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The Foreword by renowned marketing guru Philip Kotler sets the stage for a comprehensive review of the latest strategies for building,leveraging,and rejuvenating brands.Destined to become a marketing classic,Kellogg on Branding includes chapters written by respected Kellogg marketing professors and managers of successful companies.It includes:
The latest thinking on key branding concepts,including brand positioning and design
Strategies for launching new brands,leveraging existing brands,and managing a brand portfolio
Techniques for building a brand-centered organization
Insights from senior managers who have fought branding battles and won
This is the first book on branding from the faculty of the Kellogg School,the respected resource for dynamic marketing information for today's ever-changing and challenging environment.Kellogg is the brand that executives and marketing managers trust for definitive information on proven approaches for solving marketing dilemmas and seizing marketing opportunities.
Foreword by Philip Kotler
Preface (Alice MTybout and Tim Calkins)
Introduction:The Challenge of Branding (Tim Calkins)
Section I:Key Branding Concepts
Chapter 1:Brand Positioning (Alice MTybout and Brian Sternthal)
Chapter 2:Designing Brands (Bobby JCalder)
Chapter 3:Brand Meaning (John FSherry,Jr.)
Section II:Strategies for Building and Leveraging Brands
Chapter 4:Competitive Brand Strategies (Gregory SCarpenter and Kent Nakamoto)
Chapter 5:Brand Extensions (Bridgette MBraig and Alice M.Tybout)
Chapter 6:Brand Portfolio Strategy (Tim Calkins)
Section III:From Strategy to Implementation
Chapter 7:Building Brands through Effective Advertising (Brian Sternthal and Angela YLee)
Chapter 8:Relationship Branding and CRM (Edward CMalthouse and Bobby JCalder)
Chapter 9:Brand Strategy for Business Markets (James CAnderson and Gregory SCarpenter)
Chapter 10:Services Branding (Amy LOstrum,Dawn Iacobucci,and Felicia NMorgan)
Chapter 11:Branding in Technology Markets (Mohanbir Sawhney)
Chapter 12:Building a Brand-Driven Organization (Scott Davis)
Chapter 13:Measuring Brand Value (Don ESchultz and Heidi FSchultz)
Section IV:Branding Insights from Senior Managers
Chapter 14:Using Positioning to Build a Megabrand (Mark RGoldston,Chairman,CEO,and President,United Online)
Chapter 15:Marketing Leverage in the Frame of Reference (Mark Shapiro,Principal,New England Consulting Group)
Chapter 16:Finding the Right Brand Name (Carol LBernick,Chairman,Alberto-Culver Company)
Chapter 17:Building Global Brands (Betsy Holden,President,Global Marketing and Category Development,Kraft Foods)
Chapter 18:Branding and Organizational Culture (Gary AMecklenburg,President and CEO,Northwestern Memorial HealthCare)
Chapter 19:Branding and the Organization (EDavid Coolidge III,Vice Chairman,William Blair & Company)
Chapter 20:Internal Branding (Ed Buckley,Vice President,UPS; Matt Williams,Senior Vice President,Martin Agency)
ALICE M.TYBOUT is the Harold T.Martin Professor of Marketing and chairperson of the Marketing Department at the Kellogg School of Management.She is co-academic director of the branding program at Kellogg,the author of dozens of articles for marketing jour
If a manager is forced to choose between investing in a brand and missing short-term financial targets, most managers will choose to hit the short-term numbers. It's usually the career-optimizing decision. And in a supreme bit of irony of business, a manager who boosts short-term profits while damaging the long-term health of a brand is often rewarded, while a manager who invests in a brand at the expense of short-term results is often penalized. The cost-benefit analysis on a brand-building initiative highlights the tension. The benefits are difficult to quantify, uncertain and in the future. The costs are quantifiable, certain and immediate.
1. A brief description of the targeted consumers in terms of some identifying characteristics, such as demographics and psychographics. These target characteristics are typically selected on the basis of category and brand usage.
2. A statement of the target's goal that will be served by consuming the brand, commonly referred to as frame of reference. The frame of reference may guide the choice of targets, identify situations in which the brand might be used, and define relevant competitors.
3. An assertion regarding why the brand is superior to alternatives in the frame of reference, referred to as the point of difference.
4. Supporting evidence for claims related to the frame of reference and point of difference, referred to as reasons to believe. This final element is more important whe...
A ladder is established with tangible features at the bottom that offer a reason to believe the functional benefit, which indicates what the brand does for the consumer. In turn, the functional benefit provides a basis for inferring emotional benefits, which describe how the functional benefit makes a consumer feel. Laddering up from a tangible feature to a functional benefit to an emotional benefit provides a means of sustaining a brand's position.
Laddering up entails the transformation of the marketing effort from focusing on the brand to focusing on the customer. At the lowest level of the ladder, attribute information is used to depict the unique features of the brand. At the highest level of the ladder, the focus is on the person rather than the brand. Emphasis is given to how the ...
Philadelphia is a good example of designing a brand with specific objectives about perceptual categories in mind. The goal is to get consumers to form and recognize the brand concept by categorizing the product in ways that facilitate the concept. The intended concept is: Philadelphia is a touch of heaven every day. The design uses the cues: brand name, product category name, corporate identity, verbal lexicon, illustration, visual symbols, color palette, and functional form to affect how the product is perceived.
What permits a brand to become a system or a portfolio of products is a brand concept that is broad enough to allow different product versions to be categorized as fitting the concept. And, as a single product, the perceptual categories implied by the brand design can facilitate this categorization.
The Foreword by renowned marketing guru Philip Kotler sets the stage for a comprehensive review of the latest strategies for building, leveraging, and rejuvenating brands. Destined to become a marketing classic, Kellogg on Branding includes chapters written by respected Kellogg marketing professors and managers of successful companies. It includes: The latest thinking on key branding concepts, including brand positioning and design Strategies for launching new brands, leveraging existing brands, and managing a brand portfolio Techniques for building a brand–centered organization Insights from senior managers who have fought branding battles and won This is the first book on branding from the faculty of the Kellogg School, the respected resource for dynamic marketing information for today′s ever–changing and challenging environment. Kellogg is the brand that executives and marketing managers trust for definitive information on proven approaches for solving marketing dilemmas and seizing marketing opportunities.
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