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Through impressive results, Six Sigma has proven to hundreds of organizations around the globe that settling for “good enough” won't work. Now Peter S. Pande, foremost expert on change leadership and coauthor of the bestselling The Six Sigma Way, challenges leaders to seek a new standard of leadership excllence and apply principles inspired by Six Sigma to take their companies to a new level.
The Six Sigma Leader defines successful leadership in the 21st Century. With illustrative examples and proven strategies such as “The 10 Second Rule” (taking that extra time to make sure you're asking the right questions to get the information you need), the book offers techniques that link leadership improvement to real business results, and explores
Six Sigma Leadership: the core principles of Six Sigma leadership and the 21st-century challenges of balance and flexibility
Change and Constancy: the role of change in leadership and how to achieve greater return on your change portfolio
Certainty and Doubt: the myth of leader infallibility and ways to confidently combine facts and intuition
Speed and Deliberateness: the benefits and perils of “speed at all costs” and a set of key disciplines that enable greater speed
Teamwork and Independence: the sources of organizational barriers and the leadership practices that can eliminate them
Now, Tomorrow and Next Year: the management of business change by different time horizons: short-, mid-, and long-term
Customer First…and Last: why customers are so critical, yet can also be a detriment to long-term business health
Bringing Six Sigma Leadership to Life: the factors likely to favor and inhibit successful adoption of Six Sigma Leadership
Driven by a vision of great leadership, The Six Sigma Leader is an essential resource for managers at all levels and a call to action for any leader seeking to create a legacy of achievement.
Peter S.Pande is presi-dent of Pivotal Resources,a global change leadership consultion firm.He has worked with many leading companies including Cisco,GE,Starwook Hotels,BP,and adidas.He is coauthor of the bestselling The Six Sigma Way,The Six Sigma Way Team Fieldbook,and Wbat is Six Sigma?,all available from McGraw-Hill.
Foreword by W. James McNerney, Jr.
Introduction: A New Standard for 21st-Century Leaders
Six Sigma: From Counting to Improving to Leading
Leaders and Six Sigma: What Now and What's Next?
Encouraging Words: The "10-Second Rule"
Roadmap for the Book
Chapter I : What Is Six Sigma Leadership?
Defining Six Sigma Leadership
Leadership Tug-of-War
Striking a Balance: Smart Leadership
And versus Or
Competence and Consciousness
A Vision for Better Leadership
Chapter 2: Change and Constancy
Portfolio Management
Busy People
How Much Change?
Bigger--or Smaller--Is Not Better
Planning Your Portfolio
Executing Change
The Beauty of Constancy
Chapter 3:Certainty and Doubt
The Infallible Leader
Leading with Facts and Data
Challenging Assumptions
Ask Doctor Science!
Planning for Fire
Chapter 4:Speed and Deliberateness
The Illusion of Speed
Speed as a Discipline
Defining and Interpreting Speed
Failing tO Success
Everyday Speed(Lean Leadership)
Chapter 5:Teamwork and Independence
What Is Leadership Success?
A Vision of Leadership Teamwork
Building Leadership Teamwork
Points of Initiation
Looking Up and Out
Bring Me Solutions!
Chapter 6:Now,Tomorrow,and Next Year
Balancing Your Time Horizon
The Usual Suspects
Short—Term Efrorts
Selecting the Right Change Strategy
Mid—Term Projects
Compressing or Extending the Time Window
Long—Term Vision and Inifiatives
Chapter 7:Customer First...and Last
Chapter 8:Selling People,Telling People
Chapter 9:Bringing Six Sigma Leadership to Life
Afterword:Life under Six Sigma Leadership
Book Description
Through impressive results, Six Sigma has proven to hundreds of organizations around the globe that settling for good enough won't work. Now Peter S. Pande, foremost expert on change leadership and coauthor of the bestselling The Six Sigma Way, challenges leaders to seek a new standard of leadership excllence and apply principles inspired by Six Sigma to take their companies to a new level.
The Six Sigma Leader defines successful leadership in the 21st Century. With illustrative examples and proven strategies such as The 10 Second Rule (taking that extra time to make sure you're asking the right questions to get the information you need), the book offers techniques that link leadership improvement to real business results, and explores Six Sigma Leadership: the core principles of Six Sigma leadership and the 21st-century challenges of balance and flexibility Change and Constancy: the role of change in leadership and how to achieve greater return on your change portfolio Certainty and Doubt: the myth of leader infallibility and ways to confidently combine facts and intuition Speed and Deliberateness: the benefits and perils of speed at all costs and a set of key disciplines that enable greater speed Teamwork and Independence: the sources of organizational barriers and the leadership practices that can eliminate them Now, Tomorrow and Next Year: the management of business change by different time horizons: short-, mid-, and long-term Customer First...and Last: why customers are so critical, yet can also be a detriment to long-term business health Bringing Six Sigma Leadership to Life: the factors likely to favor and inhibit successful adoption of Six Sigma Leadership
Driven by a vision of great leadership, The Six Sigma Leader is an essential resource for managers at all levels and a call to action for any leader seeking to create a legacy of achievement.
The Six Sigma Leader offers compelling, instructive advice for improving your own flexibility and focus, achieving seemingly contradictory objectives, and overcoming the pitfalls that impede so many leaders and their organizations. A Six Sigma Leader is a model for the type of executive or manager anyone can aspire to be - regardless of whether your business "does" Six Sigma or not. The Six Sigma Leader offers insights that can be applied immediately to the current challenges and opportunities faced by you and your organization.
Book Dimension:
length: (cm)23.7 width:(cm)16.3
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