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The author of seven highly acclaimed books, Joseph J. Ellis
has crafted a landmark biography that brings to life in all his
complexity the most important and perhaps least understood figure
in American history, George Washington. With his careful attention
to detail and his lyrical prose, Ellis has set a new standard for
Drawing from the newly catalogued Washington papers at the
University of Virginia, Joseph Ellis paints a full portrait of
George Washington’s life and career–from his military years through
his two terms as president. Ellis illuminates the difficulties the
first executive confronted as he worked to keep the emerging
country united in the face of adversarial factions. He richly
details Washington’s private life and illustrates the ways in which
it influenced his public persona. Through Ellis’s artful narration,
we look inside Washington’s marriage and his subsequent entrance
into the upper echelons of Virginia’s plantation society. We come
to understand that it was by managing his own large debts to
British merchants that he experienced firsthand the imperiousness
of the British Empire. And we watch the evolution of his attitude
toward slavery, which led to his emancipating his own slaves in his
will. Throughout, Ellis peels back the layers of myth and uncovers
for us Washington in the context of eighteenth-century America,
allowing us to comprehend the magnitude of his accomplishments and
the character of his spirit and mind.
When Washington died in 1799, Ellis tells us, he was eulogized as
“first in the hearts of his countrymen.” Since then, however, his
image has been chisled onto Mount Rushmore and printed on the
dollar bill. He is on our landscape and in our wallets but not,
Ellis argues, in our hearts. Ellis strips away the ivy and legend
that have grown up over the Washington statue and recovers the
flesh-and-blood man in all his passionate and fully human
In the pantheon of our republic’s founders, there were many
outstanding individuals. And yet each of them–Franklin, Hamilton,
Adams, Jefferson, and Madison– acknowledged Washington to be his
superior, the only indispensable figure, the one and only “His
Excellency.” Both physically and politically, Washington towered
over his peers for reasons this book elucidates. His
Excellency is a full, glorious, and multifaceted portrait of
the man behind our country’s genesis, sure to become the
authoritative biography of George Washington for many
Joseph Ellis is the Pulitzer Prize_winning author of Founding
Brothers. His portrait of Thomas Jefferson, American
Sphinx, won the National Book Award. He lives in Amherst,
Massachusetts, with his wife, Ellen, and their youngest son,
As commander of the Continental army, George Washington united
the American colonies, defeated the British army, and became the
world's most famous man. But how much do Americans really know
about their first president? Today, as Pulitzer Prize-winner Joseph
J. Ellis says in this crackling biography, Americans see their
first president on dollar bills, quarters, and Mount Rushmore, but
only as "an icon--distant, cold, intimidating." In truth,
Washington was a deeply emotional man, but one who prized and
practiced self-control (an attribute reinforced during his years on
the battlefield).
Washington first gained recognition as a 21-year-old emissary
for the governor of Virginia, braving savage conditions to confront
encroaching French forces. As the de facto leader of the American
Revolution, he not only won the country's independence, but helped
shape its political personality and "topple the monarchical and
aristocratic dynasties of the Old World." When the Congress
unanimously elected him president, Washington accepted reluctantly,
driven by his belief that the union's very viability depended on a
powerful central government. In fact, keeping the country together
in the face of regional allegiances and the rise of political
parties may be his greatest presidential achievement.
Based on Washington's personal letters and papers, His
Excellency is smart and accessible--not to mention relatively
brief, in comparison to other encyclopedic presidential tomes.
Ellis's short, succinct sentences speak volumes, allowing readers
to glimpse the man behind the myth. --Andy Boynton
The author of seven highly acclaimed books, Joseph J. Ellis has crafted a landmark biography that brings to life in all his complexity the most important and perhaps least understood figure in American history, George Washington. With his careful attention to detail and his lyrical prose, Ellis has set a new standard for biography.
Drawing from the newly catalogued Washington papers at the University of Virginia, Joseph Ellis paints a full portrait of George Washington’s life and career–from his military years through his two terms as president. Ellis illuminates the difficulties the first executive confronted as he worked to keep the emerging country united in the face of adversarial factions. He richly details Washington’s private life and illustrates the ways in which it influenced his public persona. Through Ellis’s artful narration, we look inside Washington’s marriage and his subsequent entrance into the upper echelons of Virginia’s plantation society. We come to understand that it was by managing his own large debts to British merchants that he experienced firsthand the imperiousness of the British Empire. And we watch the evolution of his attitude toward slavery, which led to his emancipating his own slaves in his will. Throughout, Ellis peels back the layers of myth and uncovers for us Washington in the context of eighteenth-century America, allowing us to comprehend the magnitude of his accomplishments and the character of his spirit and mind.
When Washington died in 1799, Ellis tells us, he was eulogized as “first in the hearts of his countrymen.” Since then, however, his image has been chisled onto Mount Rushmore and printed on the dollar bill. He is on our landscape and in our wallets but not, Ellis argues, in our hearts. Ellis strips away the ivy and legend that have grown up over the Washington statue and recovers the flesh-and-blood man in all his passionate and fully human prowess.
In the pantheon of our republic’s founders, there were many outstanding individuals. And yet each of them–Franklin, Hamilton, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison– acknowledged Washington to be his superior, the only indispensable figure, the one and only “His Excellency.” Both physically and politically, Washington towered over his peers for reasons this book elucidates. His Excellency is a full, glorious, and multifaceted portrait of the man behind our country’s genesis, sure to become the authoritative biography of George Washington for many decades.
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