冷战谍魂 The Spy Who Came in from the Cold 港台原版 John le Carré 木马文化 谍报小说经典巨作 获金匕首奖中之奖 下载 kindle 电子版 pdf mobi pmlz 夸克云 caj

冷战谍魂 The Spy Who Came in from the Cold 港台原版 John le Carré 木马文化 谍报小说经典巨作 获金匕首奖中之奖精美图片
》冷战谍魂 The Spy Who Came in from the Cold 港台原版 John le Carré 木马文化 谍报小说经典巨作 获金匕首奖中之奖电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

冷战谍魂 The Spy Who Came in from the Cold 港台原版 John le Carré 木马文化 谍报小说经典巨作 获金匕首奖中之奖书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9789863597605
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2020-02
  • 页数:304
  • 价格:74.00
  • 纸张:轻型纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:25开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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• 諜報小說經典巨作,暢銷半世紀,全球銷售大破三千五百萬冊!

• 日本早川文庫讀者票選 間諜小說第一名。

•《出版人週刊》Publishers Weekly Top 15 Spy Novels 最佳間諜小說第一名。

• 獲選《TIMES》All Time 100 Greatest Novels《時代》雜誌百大英文小說。

• 史上唯一,榮獲CWA英國犯罪推理作家協會「金匕首獎中之獎」最高榮譽。





「《冷戰諜魂》是一部革命性的間諜小說與驚悚作品,言簡意賅、結構嚴謹,頁數不多卻句句有魄力,緊緊操縱讀者情緒,讓讀者隨著劇情,來回猜測書中人物的立場,但最後揭曉的謎底在卷首章節早有伏筆,是過去五十年來最偉大的犯罪小說。」—— CWA 英國犯罪推理作家協會


• 五十年後

• 推薦序

• 冷戰諜魂

1. 檢查哨

2. 圓場

3. 江河日下

4. 麗姿

5. 賒帳

6. 聯絡人

7. 紀沃

8. 幻象

9. 翌日

10. 第三天

11. 艾列克之友

12. 東方國家

13. 大頭釘與迴紋針

14. 致客戶的信

15. 參加舞會

16. 逮捕

17. 穆恩特

18. 費德勒

19. 支部會議

20. 特別法庭

21. 證人

22. 主席

23. 認罪

24. 政委

25. 圍牆

26. 解凍



約翰・勒卡雷John le Carré

英國著名小說家,原名大衛・康威爾(David Cornwell),一九三一年生於英國,十八歲便被英國軍方情報單位招募,擔任對東柏林的間諜工作;退役後於牛津大學攻讀現代語言,並於伊頓公學教授德文及法文。一九五八年進入英國軍情五處(MI5)工作,兩年後轉調至軍情六處(MI6),先後派駐德國波昂及漢堡,並在任職期間寫下《死亡預約》、《上流謀殺》,以及首部暢銷全球之作《冷戰諜魂》。


勒卡雷一生獲獎無數,最重要的包括一九六五年美國推理作家協會的Edgar Awdars、一九六四年獲得英國Somerset Maugham Award、James Tait Black紀念獎等,一九八八年更獲頒英國犯罪作家協會CWA終身成就獎,以及義大利Malaparte Prize等,其內斂而深沉的寫作風格更是確立了他在二十世紀類型文學領域的崇高地位。




台大外文系學士,台大新聞所碩士,曾任China Post記者、副採訪主任、Student Post 主編等職。譯作包括《蘭花賊》、《本壘的方向》《非關男孩》、《發現eBay》等書。








I wrote The Spy Who Came in from the Cold at the age of thirty under intense, unshared, personal stress, and in extreme privacy. As an intelligence officer in the guise of a junior diplomat at the British Embassy in Bonn, I was a secret to my colleagues and much of the time to myself. I had written a couple of earlier novels, necessarily under a pseudonym, and my employing service had approved them before publication. After lengthy soul-searching, they had also approved The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. To this day, I don’t know what I would have done if they hadn’t.

As it was, they seem to have concluded, rightly if reluctantly, that the book was sheer fiction from start to finish, uninformed by personal experience, and that accordingly it constituted no breach of security. This was not,...

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold was the work of a wayward imagination brought to the end of its tether by political disgust and personal confusion. Fifty years on, I don’t associate the book with anything that ever happened to me, save for one wordless encounter at London airport when a worn-out middle-aged military kind of man in a stained raincoat slammed a handful of mixed foreign change onto the bar and in gritty Irish accents ordered himself as much Scotch as it would buy. In that moment, Alec Leamas was born. Or so my memory, not always a reliable informant, tells me.

Today I think of the novel as a not-very-well-disguised internal explosion after which my life would never be the same. It was not the first such explosion or the last. And yes, yes, by the time I wrote it, I had been...

And the deep background of the novel? The sights, smells, and voices that, fifteen years after the end of the war, continued to infest every corner of divided Germany? The Berlin in which Leamas had his being was a paradigm of human folly and historical paradox. In the early Sixties, I had observed it mostly from the confines of the British Embassy in Bonn, and only occasionally in the raw. But I watched the Wall’s progress from barbed wire to breeze block; I watched the ramparts of the Cold War going up on the still-warm ashes of the hot one. And I had absolutely no sense of transition from the one war to the other, because in the secret world there barely was one. To the hard-liners of East and West the Second World War was a distraction. Now it was over, they could get on with the real ...

The novel's merit, then — or its offense, depending where you stood — was not that it was authentic but that it was credible. The bad dream turned out to be one that a lot of people in the world were sharing since it asked the same old question that we are asking ourselves fifty years later: How far can we go in the rightful defense of our Western values without abandoning them along the way? My fictional chief of the British service — I called him Control — had no doubt of the answer:

I mean, you can’t be less ruthless than the opposition simply because your government’s policy is benevolent, can you now?

Today, the same man, with better teeth and hair and a much smarter suit, can be heard explaining away the catastrophic illegal war in Iraq, or justifying medieval torture techniques as...

There was a girl standing on the beach throwing bread to the sea gulls. Her back was turned to him. The sea wind played with her long black hair and pulled at her coat, making an arc of her body, like a bow strung toward the sea. He knew then what it was that Liz had given him; the thing that he would have to go back and find if ever he got home to England: it was the caring about little things--the faith in ordinary life; that simplicity that made you break up a bit of bread into a paper bag, walk down to the beach and throw it to the gulls.




• 諜報小說經典巨作,暢銷半世紀,全球銷售大破三千五百萬冊!

• 日本早川文庫讀者票選 間諜小說第一名。

•《出版人週刊》Publishers Weekly Top 15 Spy Novels 最佳間諜小說第一名。

• 獲選《TIMES》All Time 100 Greatest Novels《時代》雜誌百大英文小說。

• 史上唯一,榮獲CWA英國犯罪推理作家協會「金匕首獎中之獎」最高榮譽。





「《冷戰諜魂》是一部革命性的間諜小說與驚悚作品,言簡意賅、結構嚴謹,頁數不多卻句句有魄力,緊緊操縱讀者情緒,讓讀者隨著劇情,來回猜測書中人物的立場,但最後揭曉的謎底在卷首章節早有伏筆,是過去五十年來最偉大的犯罪小說。」—— CWA 英國犯罪推理作家協會


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