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In 1871 Japan sent a high-ranking delegation to the USA and
Europe, to negotiate treaties and trading agreements and to
investigate how it might modernise its political and economic
institutions. Led by the Foreign Minister Prince Tomomi Iwakura,
the 'embassy' of politicians, courtiers and officials travelled
extensively around the USA for eight months, before spending a
further year examining the British manufacturing industry, German
armaments and French culture. The Iwakura Embassy helped change the
course of Japanese history, for the official report of this
journey, compiled by Prince Iwakura's personal secretary, the
Confucian scholar Kunitake Kume, was to play a key role in Japan's
transformation into a modern industrial nation. The report was
translated into English in five large volumes in 2002. This
carefully prepared abridgement makes it accessible to a wider range
of scholars and students, and to all who are interested in the
remarkable rise of modern Japan.
Introduction Ian Nish
Note on the Text
Volume I. The United States of America
1. The voyage across the Pacific
2. A survey of the United States of America
3. A record of San Francisco, 1
4. A record of San Francisco, 2
5. The railroad journey in the state of California
6. The railroad journey in the state of Nevada and Utah
7. The Rocky Mountain railroad
8. The Chicago railroad
9. The railroad journey from Chicago to Washington, D.C.
10. A survey of the District of Columbia
11. A record of Washington, D.C., 1
12. A record of Washington, D.C., 2
13. A record of Washington, D.C., 3
14. The journey through the northern states, 1
15. The journey through the northern states, 2
16. The journey through the northern states, 3
17. A record of Washington, D.C.: epilogue
18. A record of Philadelphia
19. A record of New York City
20. A record of Boston
Volume II. Britain
21. A survey of Britain
22. A survey of London
23. A record of London, 1
24. A record of London, 2
25. A record of London, 3
26. A record of Liverpool, 1
27. A record of Liverpool, 2
28. A record of Manchester, 1
29. A record of Manchester, 2
30. A record of Glasgow
31. A record of Edinburgh
32. A tour of the Highlands
33. A record of Newcastle, 1
34. A record of Newcastle, 2
35. A record of Bradford
36. A record of Sheffield
37. A record of Staffordshire and Warwickshire
38. A record of Birmingham
39. A record of Cheshire
40. A record of London, 4
Volume III. Continental Europe, 1
41. A survey of France
42. A record of Paris, 1
43. A record of Paris, 2
44. A record of Paris, 3
45. A record of Paris, 4
46. A record of Paris, 5
47. A record of Paris, 6
48. A record of Paris, 7
49. A survey of Belgium
50. A record of Belgium, 1
51. A record of Belgium, 2
52. A survey of Holland
53. A record of The Hague, Rotterdam and Leiden
54. A record of Amsterdam
55. A survey of Prussia
56. The journey by rail through western Prussia
57. A survey of Berlin
58. A record of Berlin, 1
59. A record of Berlin, 2
60. A record of Berlin, 3 with a supplement on Potsdam
Volume IV. Continental Europe, 2
61. A survey of Russia
62. A survey of Russian railways and St. Petersburg
63. A record of St. Petersburg, 1
64. A record of St. Petersburg, 2
65. A record of St. Petersburg, 3
66. A record of Northern Germany, first part
67. A record of Denmark
68. A record of Sweden, 1
69. A record of Sweden, 2
70. A record of northern Germany, second part, 1
71. A record of northern Germany, second part, 2
72. A record of southern Germany
73. A survey of Italy
74. A record of Florence
75. A record of Rome, 1
76. A record of Rome, 2
77. A record of Naples
78. A record of Lombardy and Venice
79. A survey of Austria
80. Travels by rail in Austria, and a survey of Vienna
81. A record of Vienna
Volume V. Continental Europe, 3 and the Voyage Home
82. The Vienna universal exposition, 1
83. The Vienna universal exposition, 2
84. A record of Switzerland
85. Switzerland's mountain scenery
86. A record of Berne and Geneva
87. A record of Lyons and Marseilles
88. Spain and Portugal
89. Political practices and customs in Europe
90. European geography and transportation
91. The climate and agriculture of Europe
92. European industry
93. European commercial enterprise
94. The voyage through the Mediterranean
95. The voyage through the Red Sea
96. The voyage through the Arabian Sea
97. A record of the island of Ceylon
98. The voyage through the Bay of Bengal
99. The voyage through the China Sea
100. A record of Hong Kong and Shanghai
In 1871 Japan sent a high-ranking delegation to the USA and Europe, to negotiate treaties and trading agreements and to investigate how it might modernise its political and economic institutions. Led by the Foreign Minister Prince Tomomi Iwakura, the 'embassy' of politicians, courtiers and officials travelled extensively around the USA for eight months, before spending a further year examining the British manufacturing industry, German armaments and French culture. The Iwakura Embassy helped change the course of Japanese history, for the official report of this journey, compiled by Prince Iwakura's personal secretary, the Confucian scholar Kunitake Kume, was to play a key role in Japan's transformation into a modern industrial nation. The report was translated into English in five large volumes in 2002. This carefully prepared abridgement makes it accessible to a wider range of scholars and students, and to all who are interested in the remarkable rise of modern Japan.
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