Charlotte's Web 夏洛的网(60周年纪念版,精装) ISBN9780060263850 下载 kindle 电子版 pdf mobi pmlz 夸克云 caj

Charlotte's Web 夏洛的网(60周年纪念版,精装) ISBN9780060263850精美图片
》Charlotte's Web 夏洛的网(60周年纪念版,精装) ISBN9780060263850电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

Charlotte's Web 夏洛的网(60周年纪念版,精装) ISBN9780060263850书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780060263850
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:1952-10-15
  • 页数:192
  • 价格:68.10
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 原文摘录:点击查看


  “Some pig.” These are the words in Charlotte’s web, high in

the barn. Her spiderweb tells of her feelings for a little pig

named Wilbur, as well as the feelings of a little girl named

Fern...who loves Wilbur, too. Their love has been shared by

millions of reade




  E.B. White, the author of twenty books of prose and poetry,

was awarded the 1970 Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal for his children?s

books, Stuart Little and Charlotte?s Web. This award is now given

every three years "to an author or illustrator whose books,

published in the United States, have, over a period of years, make

a substantial and lasting contribution to literature for children."

The year 1970 also marked the publication of Mr. White?s third book

for children, The Trumpet of the Swan, honored by The International

Board on Books for Young People as an outstanding example of

literature with international importance. In 1973, it received the

Sequoyah Award (Oklahoma) and the William Allen White Award

(Kansas), voted by the school children of those states as their

"favorite book" of the year.

  Born in Mount Vernon, New York, Mr. White attended public schools

there. He was graduated from Cornell University in 1921, worked in

New York for a year, then traveled about. After five or six years

of trying many sorts of jobs, he joined the staff of The New Yorker

magazine, then in its infancy. The connection proved a happy one

and resulted in a steady output of satirical sketches, poems,

essays, and editorials. His essays have also appeared in Harper?s

Magazine, and his books include One Man?s Meat, The Second Tree

from the Corner, Letters of E.B. White, The Essays of E.B. White

and Poems and Sketches of E.B. White.

  In 1938 Mr. White moved to the country. On his farm in Maine he

kept animals, and some of these creatures got into his stories and

books. Mr. White said he found writing difficult and bad for one?s

disposition, but he kept at it. He began Stuart Little in the hope

of amusing a six-year-old niece of his, but before he finished it,

she had grown up.

  For his total contribution to American letters, Mr. White was

awarded the 1971 National Medal for Literature. In 1963, President

John F. Kennedy named Mr. White as one of thirty-one Americans to

receive the Presidential Medal for Freedom. Mr. White also received

the National Institute of Arts and Letters? Gold Medal for Essays

and Criticism, and in 1973 the members of the Institute elected him

to the American Academy of Arts and Letters, a society of fifty

members. He also received honorary degrees from seven colleges and

universities. Mr. White died on October 1, 1985.






A little tired, perhaps. But I feel peaceful. Your success in the ring this morning was, to a small degree, my success. Your future is assured. You will live, secure and safe, Wilbur. Nothing can harm you now. These autumn days will shorten and grow cold. The leaves will shake loose from the trees and fall. Christmas will come, then the snows of winter. You will live to enjoy the beauty of the frozen world, for you mean a great deal to Zuckerman and he will not harm you, ever. Winter will pass, the days will lengthen, the ice will melt in the pasture pond. Then song sparrow will return and sing, the frogs will awake, the warm wind will blow again. All these sights and sounds and smells will be yours to enjoy. Wilbur--this lovely world, these golden days...

I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway. We born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that.





"A little tired, perhaps. But I feel peaceful. Your success in the ring this morning was, to a small degree, any success. Your future is assured. You will live, secure and safe, Wilbur. Nothing can harm you now. These autumn days will shorten and grow cold. The leaves will shake loose from the trees and fall. Christmas will come, then the snows of winter. You will live to enjoy the beauty of the frozen world, for you mean a great deal to Zuckerman and he will not harm you, ever. Winter will pass, the days will lengthen, the ice will melt in the pasture pond. The song sparrow will return and sing, the frogs will awake, the warm wind will blow again. All these sights and sounds and smells will be yours to enjoy, Wilbur - this lovely world, these precious days ..."

蟋蟀在草丛里唱歌。它们唱夏季收场之歌,一支忧伤单调的歌。“夏天完了,结束了,”它们唱,“完了,结束了,完了,结束了。夏天在死亡,在死亡。” 蟋蟀觉得这是它们的责任,警告大家夏日不能持久。就算是在一年中最美丽的日子——在夏天进入秋天的日子——蟋蟀还是向大家传布哀伤和变化的消息。 人人都听到了蟋蟀的歌。阿拉布尔家的艾弗里和弗恩走在泥路上时听到它,知道快要开学了;那些小鹅听到它,知道它们再也不是鹅宝宝;夏洛听到它,知道自己时间不多了;在厨房干活的阿拉布尔太太听到它,心中也不由得一阵伤感。“又是一个夏天过去了,”她叹气说;在给威尔伯做板条箱的勒维听到它,知道该挖土豆了。



  An affectionate, sometimes bashful pig named Wilbur befriends

a spider named Charlotte, who lives in the rafters above his pen. A

prancing, playful bloke, Wilbur is devastated when he learns of the

destiny that befalls all those of porcine persuasion.


  ANNIVERSARY YEAR 2012 is the 60th anniversary of the

publication of CHARLOTTE’S WEB and the 100th birthday of its

illustrator, Garth Williams. FOREWORD BY KATE DICAMILLO Renowned

best-selling children’s author Kate DiCamillo has contributed a

moving foreword to CHARLOTTE’S WEB, which will be included in the

repackaged digest and paper-over-board editions. The ISBN and cover

art will remain the same, and a burst on the cover will call out

the 60th anniversary as well as DiCamillo’s foreword. MORE THAN 12

MILLION REASONS.. Charlotte’s Web has sold more than twelve million

copies throughout the years. ILLUSTRATIONS ARE IN THE NEWS Garth

Williams’ original drawings for CHARLOTTE’S WEB were auctioned in

2010 and made quite a bit of ne


Sixty years ago, on October 15, 1952, E.B. White's Charlotte's Web was published. It's gone on to become one of the most beloved children's books of all time. To celebrate this milestone, the renowned Newbery Medalist Kate DiCamillo has written a heartfelt and poignant tribute to the book that is itself a beautiful translation of White's own view of the world—of the joy he took in the change of seasons, in farm life, in the miracles of life and death, and, in short, the glory of everything.

We are proud to include Kate DiCamillo's foreword in the 60th anniversary editions of this cherished classic.

Charlotte's Web is the story of a little girl named Fern who loved a little pig named Wilbur—and of Wilbur's dear friend Charlotte A. Cavatica, a beautiful large grey spider who lived with Wilbur in the barn.

With the help of Templeton, the rat who never did anything for anybody unless there was something in it for him, and by a wonderfully clever plan of her own, Charlotte saved the life of Wilbur, who by this time had grown up to quite a pig.

How all this comes about is Mr. White's story. It is a story of the magic of childhood on the farm. The thousands of children who loved Stuart Little, the heroic little city mouse, will be entranced with Charlotte the spider, Wilbur the pig, and Fern, the little girl who understood their language.

The forty-seven black-and-white drawings by Garth Williams have all the wonderful detail and warmhearted appeal that children love in his work. Incomparably matched to E.B. White's marvelous story, they speak to each new generation, softly and irresistibly.

Wilbur the pig is desolate when he discovers that he is destined to be the farmer's Christmas dinner until his spider friend, Charlotte decides to help him.


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