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The only Advanced Placement test preparation guide that
delivers 70 years of proven Kaplan experience and features
exclusive strategies, practice, and review to help students ace the
AP U.S. Government and Politics exam!
Students spend the school year preparing for the AP U.S.
Government and Politics test. Now it’s time to reap the rewards:
money-saving college credit, advanced placement, or an admissions
edge. However, achieving a top score on the AP U.S. Government and
Politics exam requires more than knowing the material—students need
to get comfortable with the test format itself, prepare for
pitfalls, and arm themselves with foolproof strategies. That’s
where the Kaplan plan has the clear advantage.
Kaplan AP U.S. Government and Politics 2012 offers many essential
and unique features to help improve test scores, including:
Two full-length practice tests and a diagnostic test to target
areas for score improvement
Detailed answer explanations
A two-page, full-color, removable study sheet packed with key
dates, terms, and facts
Tips and strategies for scoring higher from expert AP U.S.
Government and Politics teachers and students who got a perfect 5
on the exam
Targeted review of the most up-to-date content, including any
information about test changes and key information that is specific
to the AP U.S. Government and Politics exam
A comprehensive index and glossary of key terms and
Kaplan AP U.S. Government and Politics 2012 author Ulrich
Kleinschmidt has over 20 years of experience teaching AP U.S.
Government and Politics. His expertise has helped make this and
other books the best that Kaplan has to offer in AP test
Kaplan’s Higher Score guarantee provides security that no other
test preparation guide on the market can match. Kaplan has helped
more than three million students to prepare for standardized tests.
We invest more than $4.5 million annually in research and support
for our products. We know that our test-taking techniques and
strategies work and our materials are completely up-to-date. Kaplan
AP U.S. Government and Politics 2012 is the must-have preparation
tool for every student looking to do better on the AP U.S. History
Ulrich Kleinschmidt has been teaching AP US Government &
Politics since the early 1990s. He has been a national grader of
the AP US Government & Politics examination since 1999. He also
has presented Economics seminars for the College Board and has
become a National Trainer for the AP program.
William L. Brown, Jr. began teaching AP Government & Politics
in 1990. He has been a national grader of the AP US Government
& Politics exam since 1995 and a table leader since 1999.
Melissa Janecek has taught AP U.S. Government for the last 5
years. One year at Navasota High School in Navasota, Texas and the
last 4 years at George Bush High School in Fort Bend ISD. She is
currently teaching at Seven Lakes High School in Katy, Texas. She
also has experience teaching U.S. Government at North Harris
Montgomery County College District. She has served as a reader for
the AP U.S. Government exam for the past 4 years.
The only Advanced Placement test preparation guide that delivers 70 years of proven Kaplan experience and features exclusive strategies, practice, and review to help students ace the AP U.S. Government and Politics exam! Students spend the school year preparing for the AP U.S. Government and Politics test. Now it’s time to reap the rewards: money-saving college credit, advanced placement, or an admissions edge. However, achieving a top score on the AP U.S. Government and Politics exam requires more than knowing the material—students need to get comfortable with the test format itself, prepare for pitfalls, and arm themselves with foolproof strategies. That’s where the Kaplan plan has the clear advantage. Kaplan AP U.S. Government and Politics 2012 offers many essential and unique features to help improve test scores, including: Two full-length practice tests and a diagnostic test to target areas for score improvement Detailed answer explanations A two-page, full-color, removable study sheet packed with key dates, terms, and facts Tips and strategies for scoring higher from expert AP U.S. Government and Politics teachers and students who got a perfect 5 on the exam Targeted review of the most up-to-date content, including any information about test changes and key information that is specific to the AP U.S. Government and Politics exam A comprehensive index and glossary of key terms and concepts Kaplan AP U.S. Government and Politics 2012 author Ulrich Kleinschmidt has over 20 years of experience teaching AP U.S. Government and Politics. His expertise has helped make this and other books the best that Kaplan has to offer in AP test prep. Kaplan’s Higher Score guarantee provides security that no other test preparation guide on the market can match. Kaplan has helped more than three million students to prepare for standardized tests. We invest more than $4.5 million annually in research and support for our products. We know that our test-taking techniques and strategies work and our materials are completely up-to-date. Kaplan AP U.S. Government and Politics 2012 is the must-have preparation tool for every student looking to do better on the AP U.S. History test!
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