All You Need to Know About the Music Business(7E)音乐产业须知 (第七版) 下载 kindle 电子版 pdf mobi pmlz 夸克云 caj

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Since the advent of file-sharing technology in the late 1990s,
the music industry has been challenged to reinvent itself. What has
it done? How have tSince the advent of file-sharing technology in
the late 1990s, the music industry has been challenged to reinvent
itself. What has it done? How have the record labels repositioned
themselves to cope with these massive changes? How does all this
affect creative artists?
No one understands the music industry -- from the technology, to
the legalities, to the new industry practices -- better than
veteran music lawyer Donald Passman. In this completely revised and
updated seventh edition of All You Need to Know About the Music
Business, which the Los Angeles Times called "the industry bible"
and which has sold hundreds of thousands of copies over the last
eighteen years, Passman offers executives and artists, experts and
novices alike the essential information they need not only to
survive in these volatile and exciting times, but also to
Drawing on his unique, up-to-the-minute experience as one of the
most trusted advisors in the industry, Passman offers new
information on:
- The new 360 model of record deals, wherein record companies share
in nonrecord revenue
- The Copyright Royalty Board's latest decisions regarding online
- The developing customs on new technologies such as streaming on
demand, ringtones, and digital downloads
- Updates on recording and publishing deals, as well as film
He also gives guidance on fundamental issues, such as how to:
- Select and hire a winning team of advisors -- personal and
business managers, agents, and attorneys -- and structure their
commissions, percentages, and fees in a way that will protect you
and maximize these relationships
- Master the big picture and the finer points of record deals
- Navigate the ins and outs of songwriting, music publishing, and
- Maximize concert, touring, and merchandising deals
Everyone in the business -- musicians, songwriters, entertainment
lawyers, agents, promoters, publishers, managers, record company
executives -- is scrambling to figure out what's going to happen in
the future, and Passman is in the thick of these changes. Anyone
interested in a music career will need this comprehensive and
crucial guide to making it in one of the world's most dynamic
industries. he record labels repositioned themselves to cope with
these massive changes? How does all this affect creative
No one understands the music industry -- from the technology, to
the legalities, to the new industry practices -- better than
veteran music lawyer Donald Passman. In this completely revised and
updated seventh edition of All You Need to Know About the Music
Business, which the Los Angeles Times called "the industry bible"
and which has sold hundreds of thousands of copies over the last
eighteen years, Passman offers executives and artists, experts and
novices alike the essential information they need not only to
survive in these volatile and exciting times, but also to
Donald Passman is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of
Texas and a Cum Laude graduate of Harvard Law School. He is a
prominent entertainment lawyer with the firm Gang, Tyre, Ramer
& Brown, and his clients include such major entertainers as
Tina Turner, Janet Jackson, Quincy Jones, Don Henley, Tom Waits,
and Randy Newman. In addition, he represents many music publishers,
producers, record companies, songwriters, industry executives, and
film companies. He is frequently listed as one of the fifty most
influential people in the entertainment industry, and is commonly
credited with having won Janet Jackson her $40 million megadeal
with Virgin Records. He has taught and lectured extensively, and
has been teaching a course on the music industry at the University
of Southern California Law School's Advanced Professional Program
since 1978. He lives in Los Angeles, California, with his wife and
This revised and updated edition provides crucial information on
the industry's adaptations to today's technological advances and
uncertain economy.
Since the advent of file-sharing technology in the late 1990s, the music industry has been challenged to reinvent itself. What has it done? How have the record labels repositioned themselves to cope with these massive changes? How does all this affect creative artists? No one understands the music industry -- from the technology, to the legalities, to the new industry practices -- better than veteran music lawyer Donald Passman. In this completely revised and updated seventh edition of All You Need to Know About the Music Business , which the Los Angeles Times called "the industry bible" and which has sold hundreds of thousands of copies over the last eighteen years, Passman offers executives and artists, experts and novices alike the essential information they need not only to survive in these volatile and exciting times, but also to thrive. Drawing on his unique, up-to-the-minute experience as one of the most trusted advisors in the industry, Passman offers new information on: - The new 360 model of record deals, wherein record companies share in nonrecord revenue - The Copyright Royalty Board's latest decisions regarding online transmissions - The developing customs on new technologies such as streaming on demand, ringtones, and digital downloads - Updates on recording and publishing deals, as well as film music He also gives guidance on fundamental issues, such as how to: - Select and hire a winning team of advisors -- personal and business managers, agents, and attorneys -- and structure their commissions, percentages, and fees in a way that will protect you and maximize these relationships - Master the big picture and the finer points of record deals - Navigate the ins and outs of songwriting, music publishing, and copyrights - Maximize concert, touring, and merchandising deals Everyone in the business -- musicians, songwriters, entertainment lawyers, agents, promoters, publishers, managers, record company executives -- is scrambling to figure out what's going to happen in the future, and Passman is in the thick of these changes. Anyone interested in a music career will need this comprehensive and crucial guide to making it in one of the world's most dynamic industries.
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