Peebles原理:企业家事业成功记述与策略 The Peebles Principles 下载 kindle 电子版 pdf mobi pmlz 夸克云 caj

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"Don Peebles is an example of what entrepreneurs are all about. In this engaging and witty book, Peebles shares insights from his own success in the world of high- powered real estate. What makes this book different is Peebles doesn't just focus on the positive, he discusses the failures too—something every entrepreneur can expect in his journey to success. This book should be on every aspiring business- person's bookshelf to be read again and again."
—Robert L. Johnson, Founder, BET and Owner, Charlotte Bobcats
"The Peebles Principles provides a fun read and a bird's-eye view of the ever- changing world of a real estate entrepreneur. It is a good gut check for would-be entrepreneurs to ask if they have what it takes."
—Dr. Peter D. Linnemann, Albert Sussman Professor of Real Estate, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
"Wow! What magnificent inspiration The Peebles Principles is for anyone seeking to be involved in business. The ground rules found in each chapter are absolute gems, and those alone make the book worth buying."
—Cathy Hughes, Founder and Chairperson, Radio One, Inc.
"This book is a brilliant example of entrepreneurship, creativity, and principles. Peebles walks you through many of his successful deals, from their inception to their completion. Once you start the book you won't be able to put it down until you've finished the last page."
—Dr. Sanford L. Ziff, Founder and Chairman, Sunglass Hut International Inc.
Chapter 1. From Ground Zero: The First Deal.
Chapter 2. The Washington Marriott: No Money Down.
Chapter 3. North Capitol and G Street: Carpe Diem.
Chapter 4. The Barry Stigma: Time for a Change.
Chapter 5. The Royal Palm: Never Say Die.
Chapter 6. San Francisco: A Bridge Too Far.
Chapter 7. The Bath Club: Give Them What They Want.
Chapter 8. Perseverance: The Saga of Royal Palm.
Chapter 9. The Lincoln Road: The Power of Allies.
Chapter 10. San Francisco Redux: Diamond in the Rough.
Appendix. The Importance of Politics.
R. Donahue Peebles is Chairman and CEO of The Peebles Corporation. He is a recognized leader in real estate development and entrepreneurship, with a portfolio that includes four-star hotels and luxury residential and commercial properties in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Miami Beach. He is also Chairman of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. He and his projects have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes, Inc., USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Black Enterprise, Washington Business Journal, and South Florida CEO magazine, along with many other prestigious local, national, and international publications. He has been profiled on CNBC and CNN Financial Network, and has been a guest on Bloomberg radio and the Tom Joyner Morning Show. He and his company have received many regional and national awards in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, including the 2004 Black Enterprise Company of the Year award.
R. Donahue Peebles is Chairman and CEO of The Peebles Corporation. He is a recognized leader in real estate development and entrepreneurship, with a portfolio that includes four-star hotels and luxury residential and commercial properties in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Miami Beach. He is also Chairman of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. He and his projects have been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes, Inc., USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Black Enterprise, Washington Business Journal, and South Florida CEO magazine, along with many other prestigious local, national, and international publications. He has been profiled on CNBC and CNN Financial Network, and has been a guest on Bloomberg radio and the Tom Joyner Morning Show. He and his company have received many regional and national awards in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, including the 2004 Black Enterprise Company of the Year award.
At the tender age of nineteen, Donahue Peebles entered the business jungle with no resources beyond his native smarts, a decent education, and a powerful drive to succeed. Seven years later he became a multimillionaire. Today, with a net worth of more than a quarter-billion dollars, he commands a real estate empire stretching from the boulevards of Washington, D.C., to the sparkling beaches of Miami Beach to the glitzy strips of Las Vegas. How did this determined young entrepreneur achieve such spectacular success so quickly? Can others learn his secrets and emulate his accomplishments? Can you?
Part The Art of the Deal and part Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun, The Peebles Principles distills the lessons Mr. Peebles has learned on his journey from congressional page to CEO of the largest Black-owned real estate development firm in the nation. These crisp, straightforward principles can help any motivated entrepreneur go from dirt poor to filthy rich in a hurry.
In entertaining first-person accounts of his most important deals, Mr. Peebles reveals how each transaction required him to find new resources within himself to ensure its success. ?Through this process, he discovered valuable principles that would aid him in all of his future endeavors. Some lessons are motivational and inspirational; many are hardball business how-to's that apply in any industry and any type of transaction.
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